

Bunuh Diri. Twenty One Pilots. dan Islam.

By Naja - 12:04 PG

Kalau anda sedang mencari kata kata semangat untuk terus hidup, silalah laburkan masa untuk baca entri ni sekejap.

Exclaimation; aku bukanlah dalam kalangan orang-orang yang ada suicidal thought, cuma kebelakangan ni aku rasa lost. aku rasa, hidup atau mati pun takde beza pun. takde matlamat untuk kejar dunia macam orang lain.

one day, i became too attached with twenty one pilots. their lyrics are deeper than the sea itself tapi lagu dia tak lembik, tak terlalu pop. aku klasifi sebagai genre rock hip hop. haha.

jadi ada satu lagu ni tajuk dia kitchen sink. here's the lyric that i quote.

Nobody thinks what I think 
Nobody dreams when they blik 
Think things on the brink of blasphemy 
I'm my own shrink 
Think things are after me, My catastrophe 
At my kitchen sink 
You don't know what that means 
Because a kitchen sink to you is not a kitchen sink to me 
Okay, friend? 
Are you searching for purpose? 
Then write something, yeah it might be worthless 
Then paint something, and it might be wordless 
Pointless curses, nonsense verses 
You'll see purpose start to surface 
No one else is dealing with your demons, meaning 
Maybe defeating them could be the beginning of your meaning, friend

Nobody thinks what you think, no one 
Empathy might be on the brink of extinction 
They will play a game and say they know what you're going through 
And I tried to come up with an artistic way to say they don't know you 
And neither do I, so here's a prime example of a stand up guy who 
Hates what he believes and loves it at the same time

"The whole concept of that song is that I feel that humans are always struggling when it comes to purpose, trying to figure out their purpose is, what purpose even is, what’s the point, justifying your own existence.
A lot of kids and people my age struggle with “what’s the point,” and with the logo, what it really means is it’s an encouragement. When someone asks me what the logo means to me, the logo means something to me because I made it mean something to me. That’s the point. The point is that I created something that only I understand and whether or not I decide to disclose the meaning of it, that’s the beginning of purpose for me.
The meaning of purpose for me, is by creating something, if it be by writing lyrics, painting a picture, by expressing yourself through art…if it’s photography or music or theater, or whatever it is. It doesn’t have to be artistic, but if you create something and only you know the meaning of it, that’s the beginning of purpose for you.
When you’re in the room by yourself trying to decide whether to stay alive, you can tell yourself “I should probably stay alive because I’m the only one who knows the meaning of that thing,” so the logo is an encouragement for people to create. That’s what it means." - tyler joseph
long story short, aku terkesan dengan lagu tu dan tolong aku untuk teruskan hidup untuk cari tujuan hidup aku semula. jadi aku sarankan untuk korang yang terlibat supaya teruskan hidup. create something that only you knew it so that you CAN NOT dead yet. okay friends? 
then minggu ni minggu paling depress untuk aku. aku asingkan diri dari whole classmate for no reason. tapi sepanjang minggu ni aku dapat reflect my life back. muhasabah diri. apa yang kosong? i dont even know what to feel anymore because everything is a mess. Jadi aku fikir mungkin kali ni tuhan boleh tolong? jadi aku bukan al quran. aku kongsikan sikit hadis yang ada sekali dalam quran tu. 
Dari Anas bin Malik, r.a, dia berkata, Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, "Janganlah ada yang menginginkan mati kerana kesusahan yang dideritainya. Apabila harus melakukannya hendaklah dia cukup berkata "Ya Allah tetap hidupkan lah aku selama kehidupan itu baik bagiku dan wafatkanlah aku jika kematian itu baik untukku." -HR Bukhari, 5671 
Dia punya rasa tu ssuup ke hati. aku bazirkan separuh hidup aku untuk cari jalan macam mana nak teruskan separuh lagi, sedangkan jawapan dia dah lama ada dalam ISLAM. 
Tapi sedikit nasihat. disebabkan aku pun mengalami benda ni, pendapat aku kalau nak tolong kawan-kawan yang berfikiran begini, jangan terus paksa dan herdik dia "tulah kau, tudung singkat.solat sebulan sekali." "dah lama tak baca quran ni" "bunuh diri tu dosa, baik kau solat taubat" etc.. dia bukan taktau bunuh diri tu syurga pun tak boleh bau. dia bukan taktau hukum tutup aurat. dia cuma hilang. lost. kau tak boleh paksa dia ikut cara kau yang dah lama beribadat, sedangkan iman dia cuma tinggal lagi sikit je. kau pulak merendah-rendahkan dia. first thing first, bagi sokongan mental. selalu berborak dengan dia. bagi dia rasa penting. rasa ramai lagi yang sayangkan dia. mungkin keluarga tak supportive, kaulah kena jadi barisan depan. 
ada keluarga dari kecik tak pernah diajar solat, jadi mungkin dia rasa segan nak solat dekat rumah. jadi kau ajaklah dia solat dekat rumah kau ke. same goes with aurat. takpelah kalau dekat kolej tutup, dekat rumah bukak. family tak support, kau lah yang kena tolong. SUPPORT, bukan paksa. bukan tarbiah sentap. different people, different lifestyle, different iman.

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2 Virus

  1. i stan rock music to but more to jrock and visual kei. their lyrics very mesmerizing. i mean some of them. sometimes, what you heard and saw wasn't what it was. i always put my mind open when i tried to understand the lyrics. and yeah, those sarcastic songs put my spirit into hype. to keep living even though it's getting painful day by day because that's the reward which means i am living. to you, do more a lot of thinking about yourself. Allah gives us a lot. He trusts us a lot of things. We are stronger than we thought. Inshaallah =)

    p/s: maaf comment panjang. this post worth my words hehe ^^

    1. ya i thought a lot about what He already gave us, and i should be grateful instead. thank u for your words :)
